>>35108568>Beat the pirate captian in his hideout>His red ball awakens another Megazord>It flees too>Red Ranger cosplay team runs in and starts calling the pirate captain a faggot>Weather's all fucked up>Go to Sootopolis to find the Megazords fighting>This is amazing, front row seats to Rage in the Cage II>Follow instructions like a good little boy and go to Sky Pillar>Awaken a Dragonzord and it flies away>Am I faggot like those other guys?>Back to Sootopolis, Dragonzord stops the others from fighting>They scatter because the three faggots are watching them>The other two faggots scatter too, and some wet scrub teaches me to swim up waterfalls>Decide to fish because why not>Golden fucking Magikarp, WHAT>Catch Goldie Han the Magikarp, may come in handy if Blue gets merc'd>Grind the team all around Hoenn>Fight Sootopolis' wetback gym leader>Ziggy and Shin whomp his Luvdisc and Whiscash>Blue sets up the D.Curl + Rollout on Sealeo>Sealeo paralyzes Blue with Body Slam>Blue rolls through Sealeo>Crawdaunt Taunts, then rolled through as well>Kingdra crit Ice Beams, then rolled through as well>CAN'T STOP, CAN'T STOP THE ROCK>Time to grind like a faggot to 55-58 for the E4 Should I teach Return to my Azumarill or Linoone? Linoone gets the STAB but Azumarill has Huge Power.