>>48398145Secrets of the pokemon fossil exhibition
Artist's impression of the skelleton
Artist's impression of the head butt pokemon Rampardos(above) and the skelleton of the Pachicephalosaurus.
A work made using the real enxtinct creature as reference.
As the name implies, a skelleton drawing is an illustration of the actual position of each bone in the body.
In the case of dinosaurs, as the bones were found separated it serves as a reference of the structure and to explain the placement of found bones.
This is an important way to show the features of a dinosaur skeleton.
For the sake of this special exhibition new impressions of pokemon's skelletons were made.
There isn't an accurate explanation of pokemon's innards so we have to resort to impressions.
The artist, science illustrator Masukawa-san, utilized recreations from the Herbivore from Mukawa, Kamuisaurus Japonicus as a base.
For the pokemon that are similar to anceint lifeforms, the producer of the game series, Game Freak, was consulted to make sure there were no mistakes about how the pokemon looked and moved.
For example, the impression of the head butt pokemon Rampardos, the Pachicephalosaurus was referenced.
Distinctive features of the Pachycephalosaurus skeleton include a thick, sturdy skull suitable for head butting, and a tail bone surrounded by cartilage for reinforcement.
On the other hand, as Headbutt is Rampardos's signature move, and, as we confirmed in the game, has a flexible tail, which allowed us to finish the impressions.
For the occassion of the exhibition, not only pokemon but also the skelleton of older lifeforms are present.
I hope you have fun observing and comparing the cross-section of both.