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>Swarm: Damage increased for every nearby enemy pokemon.
>Arm Thrust: Hits in front of themselves, then dashes forward a bit and hits again.
>Counter: Stands still and does nothing for a moment. If hit while doing nothing, takes reduced damage from the hit and performs a strong counterattack. Does nothing otherwise. Upgraded version: damage reduction also applies during the counterattack's animation.
>Brick Break: A short dash forward, then a quick chop. Deals double damage to shields. Upgraded version: Increased damage.
>Horn Attack: Jab with your horn in a narrow but long radius.
>Fury Cutter: A fast-casting and fast-recharging but weak horizontal slash. Landing this move makes the enemy take 20% damage from this move for a short period of time, stacking exponentially and up to 5 times. Upgraded version: debuff increased to 25%.
>Megahorn: Charge forward in a straight line at a speed slightly faster than walking, knocking anyone you hit to the side. Can be cancelled early, and when this move is cancelled or ends naturally you jab your horn forward in a narrow but long radius. You are unstoppable when you use this. Upgraded version: You move faster while using this.
>Sure-Hit targeting. Dash over to an enemy, then pick them up. Choose a direction to throw them. They take damage when colliding with enemy pokemon and keep flying until they hit a wall or the end of the move's range. Any pokemon they hit while flying also takes damage, and the thrown pokemon takes extra damage and is stunned temporarily if they hit a wall.