https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuOwaUzoqcoNoibat will be forever remembered for the remainder of this adventure by sacrificing himself to carry his trainer and skyfu safely to the ground, a task far too obviously difficult for someone of his stature to complete without major drawbacks. If it helps, he did earn about.. eighty-two experience points for his struggle.
Gābena's flying suit is recovered by throwing multiple rocks at it. Sadly, it's still drenched in excessive amounts of goo, preventing your skyfu from doing an flying anytime soon. She stays with your monster hunting group because of this, having nowhere else to go and in risk of pulling a Noibat by going out on her own. Duck stays on patrol, ahead of the party to sniff out the Muck Monster's scent.
"So Commander! You know why *I'm* here, but what about you? Isn't it just incredibly convenient how we just happened to meet up here? Unless you're just here to take a risky park stroll and don't care about being jumped by wild Pokemon, I'd say you're here for SERIOUS BUSINESS, Commander!"
A) "And you would be right to assume that."
B) "Yeah. I'm what they call a monster hunter now. I hunt oversized behemoths."
C) "Just by-the-daily Calem business. You'll know what I'm talking about the more we hang out."
D) "You know that thing that keeps roaring ominously every five minutes? I'm out to slay it."
E) "Yeah, a bunch of villagers think I'm Jesus now or something."