>>29452489Why would you worry about Gengar? Theyre already rare enough on the ladder. And even if you were worried about it, 4 of your mons (talon, weevile, ttar, bisharp) can all potentially OHKO it from full. Ice Punch smacks the lati@ twins, Lando-T, Thunderus, and Tangrowth much harder. You straight out destroy them at +2. As for Zam, yea he's fast, but hes extremely fragile. To the point I hazard to bet a single BB can kill it from full (252 Atk Sharp Beak Talonflame Brave Bird vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Mega Alakazam: 243-286 (96.8 - 113.9%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO). Theres a reason LO/Sashed Alakazam were more popular