I know ">>>>>>>GO" and all, but this was actually one of the Galar Shinies I always wanted, but never got, so I'm in a very good mood. Double since I got a second one, so this girl's going to SWSH, and then I cope and hope that Runerigus, Cursola, Obstagoon, and Pheromosa are transferrable to Gen 10, so I can use them to fight my buds too. Fingers crossed they don't immediately throw out Terastalizing, it's a very fun mechanic that could hard help Runerigus and Cursola.
>>56709322Congrats, I got mine two days ago, but I'm kinda butthurt they didn't give you a nicknaming option like with Magearna. Maybe they'll let you renickname event Pokemon some day, even cross-gen, one can only hope.