>>46428911Ruby is done. No deaths on the E4
Sidney = Speedy, Ahri and Finn
Phoebe = Mostly Sub Shadow Ball with Pallet and then Locke after shadow ball run out of PP
Glacia = Ahri took care of both Glalies and Locke SunnyBeam the rest
Drake = Finn's Ice Beam
Steven = Team Effort. Steven sent out Gross immediately after skarmory died to Flamethrower and then died to Overheat, made the fight way easier. Cradilly was stalled down by Freddie. Cradily got koed by Locked. Finn took care of Armaldo and Aggron to seal the deal.
Finn was the mvp of the run but Freddie and Pallet were great surprises, really useful.
Now its time for FRLG