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Brock rematch gets Mega Golem
Misty rematch gets Mega Starmie
Your rival picks the opposite starter and like Yellow, whatever Eeveelution they get is dependant on win/loss ratio. If you pick Eevee they get Mega Raichu, and if you pick Pikachu they get a Mega Eeveelution based on w/l
Team Rocket gets Mega Weezing and Mega Arbok (Jesse and James)
Giovanni gets Mega Persian
The Karate Dojo is where the player picks the Hitmon Megastone after winning
Lorelei gets Mega Jynx
Bruno Mega Machamp
Agatha Mega Gengar
Lance Mega Dragonite
Yes, but only levels are given to Surge since there’s no addition to the 152 Pokemon in the game and no other electric mons have megas. He does get an Alolan Raichu that he swaps his regular Raichu for in the rematch.
Koga rematch gets Alolan Muk
Erika rematch gets Alolan Exeggutor
Sabrina rematch does get Mega Alakazam
Other subtle changes/retcons:
The Marowak you fight in the Lavender tower is Alolan Marowak (ghost). They changed from Team Rocket killing it to Team Rocket wanting to catch the Pokemon that acts as a defender of the Tower (and to subsequently capture Mewtwo with a strong ghost type)
Some members of Team Rocket have Alolan Ratatas and Raticates interspersed for challenge and to patch up the lack of dark types
Giovanni doesnt use Alola Persian weirdly enough
Aerodactylite is given by the Pewter Museum
The three starter megastones are given to you when you return to the original trainers with:
1. The starter fully evolved
2. The Elite 4 is beaten
The trainers will comment on how much the Pokemon has grown up, for example the police officer who gives the delinquent squirtle will say how much its matured under your care
Mr. Fuji gives you Mewtwos megas and theres a short scene of him regretting being involved with its creation but happy its found a good home with you as a trainer
Yes, there are held items
Thats all Im giving up, any further posts are not me