About seven more of the remaining eight seconds pass by until you get up on your ass and realize that you need to stop stalling and move out.
If there's one thing to know about these rabbits, it's that the majority of them are prone to instant instinct reactions whenever something suddenly hapepns that's beyond their control. Each guard snaps into the direction your finger is pointing in.
Only to find nothing.
Although Cocoa doesn't fall for your precious ruse, she does find it adorable--the lengths you'll go to just to pull off a clever distraction. She doesn't try to stop you either as you run like a coward.
For the final second anyway.
Using quick, dorky maneuvers, you grab the plate and what scraps remain of the Serperior, then you toss the bits and pieces at the Pokemon to further deter them from their main target--you.
"Aaaagh! I done got snake in me eyes!"
"Elvis Pelvisly, is that you? I can't hear you, my peepers have been blinded by serpent meat!"
"Generic injured comment!"
Your ten second edge comes to a close once you put your hand on the dining hall door handle. Cocoa just /barely/ misses you with an Octazooka that blows a straight hole into the door.
"G-Gyah!" you squeal out.
"Better get going, tiger.~"
A Charge Beam hits the door once you open it and run out. Fortunately, the ship's Armory is near the dining hall so it isn't too hard to get from point A to point B, the main problem is what's available.
"What the...POTS AND PANS!? How is this crap going to help me? Did she knew I was going to try to make a beeline for this place?">What does Calem do next?!