Alright! Kuga (is that the posion guy's name?) Is being a pain in the cone with his stall ways. Just loaded up on X items to hit him before his muk sets up evassion.
>>38069381Oh man, this took me back to Moon. I was aiming to get to a 100 battles on the battle tree and on near 90, I locked my Specs Rotom-W into Volt Switch, everything was alright until this fucking guy sends out a Steelix.
>>38069434The Sinnoh Champion fell to a Johto 'mon, on Unova. Makes you think... congrats tho!
>>38069630Dont use the Mega, have it with Stall as an ability, there! Got your self a funmon. And thats only from gen 5 onwards. Its all about making things a challenge!