I added a little something to spice up my sheet. Hope everyone likes!
ur a faget
You are very handsome, and I appreciate that you keep a space open for Pokemon you might catch.
>>22742775Hank Hill/10
Mega Book and a Pokemon with a doll. Awesome.
Crobat is not elegant.
You said it best yourself.
I specialize in exorcising things like you.
Guns terrify me. And I don't really like Swampert.
Let's make eye to eye Contact.
Nice pocketwatch. I'm also from a small town in Sinnoh. Never been to Twinleaf, though.
I traded for a Ralts from the Holon region. Bet you'd really like him. He loves fire.
A bit boring. Sorry.
You know, if it weren't so dang remote, more people would probably go to Holon. I know I'd love to.
I like your phrase.
Charlatan. You give the noble profession of ghost chasing a bad name.
Ey, fucboi
You and I have similar taste in art.