I think Regileki only barely outspeeds Moltres with the +1 and level difference and if it didn't I don't know if this'd be doable with the minor legends I had rolled for Mord. Was this fight mandatory?
2nd try; 1st attempt ended with Moltres killing everyone after Regileki died.
>>56255444>if it works it works i guess, unfortunately it can make writing Really crummy sometimesThat's kind of the problem. Nobody on his shartcord has told him to either write his problems out to himself, talk to a therapist or close friend about his issues, or otherwise rein in the brainrot that's spiraled out of control throughout Rejuv's storied history of retcons, revamps and plot additions. Coupled with acting like a total diva on the reborn forums and shartcord when anything in Rejuv is criticized, I find it really hard to be sympathetic towards him. The guy's got issues, but instead of working them out in a productive manner, he just vomits them out to the public then shits his pants when criticized on the matter.
>>56255452>you don't even fight on the fanfic weathers anymore as far as I remember kekImagine going to all this trouble to code that awful lightning weather for literally all of one fight. As annoyed as I am about a few of its mechanics (hitting through protect is really stupid), it'd be a tremendous waste if it's never used again.