My name is Kyle and I shall subsist entirely on apples and jerky, as God intended. If you can't tell, my last essential item is a toiletry bag with soaps and toothbrushes and stuff, and given how hideously unprepared I am for cold weather, I'd pick up coats and stuff along the way.
Gogoat, Mareep, and Watchog aren't used in battle, but I always carry them around for utility. Gogoat's for riding, Mareep keeps my phone charged and provides a bright beacon (its tail) in case of emergencies and an amazingly fluffy pillow (its wool), and Watchog keeps guard at night and is great for foraging, exploring, etc. with its sharp eyes and nimbleness. UGH can start fires when I need them, and Muppet provides flight.
>>18820389Muy cómico, 10/10
>>18820676That's a lot of pastel colors, yo. I dig pastel colors so good4u. Bonus points for Weavile.
>>18818225>those drinksOH SHIT I REMEMBER THOSE, now I've got a huge hankering. Awesome team, too, btw. All of them, fantastic picks, including the two you sadly excluded.
>>18815849>TorkoalInstant 8/10
>>18815009>YesHell yeah, bro. I also love your goal, we need some Dark gyms, so good luck.
>>188127508/10, would smoke cigars and have a good time with