Quoted By:
most players don't even beat games anyway
>Gen 9: The E4 and climax of the plot project has started!
>Exclusive interview with Junichi Masuda: "So Mr. Masuda why exactly did you dedice to not bother finishing the game?"
>"Using smartphones and other devices kids don't have the time to dedicate to a single game like in the past, we didn't finish the game for this very reason"
>IGN 9.3/10: Pokemon gen 9 sure they make lots of little mistakes like replacing IVs and Shinies in Pokemon only unlockable behind paid lootboxes and the game aren't even done and just left out there in the open but thanks to its wonderful cute presentation and splending quality of life changes like automatically healing your party after any battle so you don't have to tediously wait after five steps for your rival to automatically cure it for you like it used to be in the hardcore days it achieves something truly special and remarkable that completely warrant the purchase.
Ok i'm taking the meds now