>>17758823>>17758885Both correct. The ideal thread is a balance where people can come together and have fun, whilst remaining mostly on topic, which I'd like to vouch and say that /shw/ is mostly like that. It's part of the reason we keep it a weekend thing. There are people in Daily Generals where people pretty much show up for the sake of it at this point.
I remember people complaining about someone from Wi-Fi General who hadn't updated his Have/Want image for like a month, because he was coming into the thread for no reason other than to hang out with his internet friends, and wasn't actually trading or battling.
However, we are usually on topic, we share common goals, our names are actually necessary due to trading, or needing to get certain Pokemon to people (Giveaways, trading rejects) as well as keeping up with peoples goals. Imagine if Steel, or Combeefag posted anon. It just wouldn't work out.
For these reason, I agree with
>>17758928We're a pretty chill community, and I don't think we've sunk to circlejerking at all. As 21 said, it can get a little circlejerkish, but I dont believe that was a stab at anybody, as opposed to simply saying that we have a habit of straying off topic a little too often.
Just my two cents.