>>15272046http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6x3amc8hT1w"W-What kind of b-bad things?"
The Espurr lets go of your jeans, still giving you that completely heartless stare, "...Terrible, terrible things....Kiddies that come in here never come out...Jacques always comes, Jacques lurks in the dark....eating the flesh of kiddies...it keeps him alive...keeps the magic alive...I've seen it all and more....You kiddies better run..."
Miss frowns, hearing that name again does nothing but give her great discomfort, "You're just bluffing! No such being exists, it's a simple urban legend."
The Espurr turns to her, and Miss regrets her words in an instant. The raggedy, shriveling cat twists his head approximately 180-degrees, the cracking and popping of bones is enough to make you cringe in disgust. The Espurr then levitates up to her eye-level without moving a limb.
"........I can show you true fear......I can show you everything..."
A) "Show us something we've never seen before then!"
B) "S-She's not interested! Leave her alone!"
C) Now would be the perfect time to-- NOPETHEFUCKOUTRUNRUNRUNRUNRUN