>>35101853I liked how Pokemon Adventures handled it
In the RS manga Devon and the Pokemon Association capture Rayquaza for research to create an orb that would allow them to control it in case of Groudon and Kyogre are awakened and that is also later stated related to the dimensional shifter that appears in the ORAS manga. Early in the RS manga it's show that a Salamance attacked the research facility a freed Rayquaza, which in ORAS is revealed to be Zinnia's. And Devon and the Pokemon Association are shown in ORAS that they captured Rayquaza in a raid to the Embedded Tower to take it by force because they didn't give a shit about the native folk, and Aster was coldly killed by Devon's machine during the raid.
Zinnia had a stronger justification, but she stills get called out and challenged for her actions. Her village people also rejects her and try to stop her, and even gets punished by Rayquaza itself. Devon and Mr. Stone also get shat on for being reckless scientists and their "fuck poor people and fuck tradition right?" ideology, and flat out killing a person for their ambitions. None of them really cleaned their name that day, but it was far more satisfying to see them both (and the children, Aqua and Magma) cooperate to stop the meteorite than what we got in the games.