>>39617888>QueeningThe Gym works in this way: all pokémon are female and their moves like bounce, attract, body slam etc, will work on the trainer instead of the pokémon. If the trainer cannot get up from it, he will lose.
The gym leader will have Salazzle, Nidoqueen (Ace), Tsareena, Lopunny, Florges, Meganium. The other trainers will have something like Bayleef, Jynx, Steenee, Roserade, Snorlax, Machamp and even Audino.
When you lose to a normal trainer, nothing happens, you only enjoyed your session which brought you to lose and then go away or retry.
If you lose to the Gym Leader, then you will have a sitting session while all the pokémon of the gym leader and the gym leader herself, will play with your face and body until they'll be tired.