Quoted By:
Not mine but i figured i would share anyway
>be me
>be at USUM midnight release
>drove out with some buddies, hanging out with another group
>just talking about random shit when this kid and his mom walk up
>he looks about 11 or 12
>long greasy brownish blonde hair
>kid is fully decked out in pokemon garb, pokeball beanie, pikachu jacket etc.
>dragging a massive pikachu plushie behind him
>mother asks if he can “hang” with us, we say ok
>for the first 5 minutes he just sat on the ground not saying anything
>then he tries to join in on our conversation
>absolute social retard, talking as soon as one of us started another sentence and constantly creating an awkward silence
>horrible stutter, must have been nervous
>he smelled like shit too
>the only things he said were random pokemon facts that he was reading off of a website, i.e “h-h-hey guys d-did you know that l-lickitung couldnt learn l-lick in gen 1?”
>we decide to ignore him after a while
>after yelling pokemon facts at us for another 5 minutes he tries to show us his pokemon in his game
>read all of the dumbass nicknames he gave his pokemon out loud and kept putting his DS in our faces so we could see
>his DS screen was caked in crumbs and food stains
the store opened shortly after so we grabbed our copies and got out of there. fucking insane