>>55814449I might just skip straight to XY then since people keep dickriding it so hard. I'll probably cringe hard at battle bond when it comes up but it can't be as bad as counter shield or Chimchar engaging maximum edgemode for a cheap power up.
Less BS is pretty much mandatory for me now. I can't stomach the BS after BS after BS that DP was spewing out anymore. It felt even worse than OS.
I'll probably skip the tripokalons entirely. Contests always never vibed with me from the start, and tripokalons just seem worse. Serena's "character development" doesn't matter anyways, and I'm too old to obsess over 10 year old pokegirls.
Also holy shit how small is that Luxray if it's not even as large as Goodra's tail. Luxray are fucking HUGE in canon.
>Luxray: 4'07" height>Goodra: 6'07" heightHeight for canids/felids is measure from feet to shoulders, so a 4 foot tall Luxray is fucking HUGE. For reference, the largest wolves are 3'4" tall, and Lions are typically only just barely 4' tall. There's a reason they're so massive in PLA.