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Hey, I'm your uncle's uncle, I work at nintendo.
No new Pokemon, bunch of new forms/megas/etc
Box legends get Ultra forms, as does Nihilego, Pheromosa, Buzzwole, Magearna, Ho-Oh and Lugia.
Regional forms include Cubone (Ghost), Pikachu/Pichu (Electric, same tanned skin as Raichu), Lapras (Ice/Dragon), Growlithe/Arcanine (Ground), Magnemite/Magneton/Magnezone (Grass/Steel think panpipes), Sudowoodo/Bonsly (Grass, looks like a cliff), Ariados (Bug/Dark), Girafarig (Dark/Fairy), Snubbul/Granbull (Fighting, boxing gloves), Slugma (poison), Magcargo (Poison/Fire), Roselia/Roserade (Poison/Fairy), Pachirisu (Fairy), Croagunk/Toxicroak (Water/Fighting), Probopass (Steel/Electric), Klefki (Steel, gets more keys), Goomy/Sliggoo/Goodra (Dragon/Water)
Vikavolt gets a stat change.
ATK swaps with DEF, SP.A swaps with Speed
Komala's Comatose now displays a SLP status in battle, additionally Munchlax and Snorlax get the ability in a NPC trade.
Mimikyu gains 5 cosmetic forms, 4 tapus and lycanroc midnight
Lycanroc Morning and Evening forms,Rock and Rock/Ground respectively. All forms learn Accelrock.
Rotom Dex form - Electric/Psychic, learns Psychic. Charon shows you how to do it.
Mega Machamp, Mega Stoutland, Mega Gigalith, Mega Krookodile, Mega Klinkang, Mega Chestnaught, Mega Delphox.
kahuna battles are now in gyms with trainers, in addition to totem battles.
Leaders battled in the following order:
Fighting - Gym
Rock - Gym
Steel- Gym
Ground - Gym
Ghost, Dark, Ice, Dragon
Champion Red/Blue depending on version. After first battle the Champions rotate between all Gyms, E4, rival, Red, Blue, Anabel, Cynthia, Lance, Clair, Kukui