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OP here, got another one
>be 7
>pokemon yellow in bed past bedtime (we've all been there)
>really into game at the moment
>suddenly hear doorknob turning
>engage operation coverup
>gameboy under pillow, pretend to have been tossing and turning
>mom walks into room
>"anon, you asleep?"
>not anymore mom
>"oh thats nice, anon, how was your day?"
>yadda yadda yadda
>can still hear game music playing on
>oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck if mom finds out
>sick of your shit lavender town
>mom continues to ask and tell me various stuff
>nonchalantly suffocating gameboy speaker with pillow as I pokerface for everything I'm worth
>situation is so fucking sus
>mom realizes something's up
>"anon whats going on here"
>"are you reading books again with a flashlight?"
>uhh, no
>realize mom will search the shit out of my bed if I don't fess up.
>realize there is actually a book hidden in the gap between bed brace and the wall. Pull it out and give to mom
>"anon what have I told you about reading in bad lighting....etc.etc.etc"
>"as punishment you're yadda yadda yadda..."
>yes, mom, sorry, goodnight
>mom leaves and i feign scowling and pretend to go back to sleep
>door closes and I pull the game out
>still sick of your shit lavender town