>>51750772In this particular conversation, pink is wrong. Dunking on compfag was unnecessary because Klefki was one of the most controversial Pokemon back in Gen 6 days because it was either considered super cute, uncreative and stupid, or hellish to deal with competitive battle. Remembering a Pokemon for being viable is still remembering a Pokemon, and the pink dude probably wasn't around when Klefki was still somewhat popular. I think half the reason it isn't remembered so well anymore is because it hasn't been in a game in a while. It's not the most forgettable Pokemon, but it still has or has had a following to some degree.
However it is true that compfags are the fucking worst when they butt into a conversation about what makes a Pokemon good or bad and they bring up stats nobody generally gives a fuck about when the conversation is about the entire Pokemon as a whole, not just their viability in competitive battles. These people see Pokemon as numbers, simple tools towards victory, when everyone else considers Pokemon as companions or cool little monsters that have neat lore. That's why it's annoying when they're inserting their type of autism into conversations not about comp. Pink name has a point but it isn't applicable here in this particular instance.