I just beat Roark not too bad unfortunate Armstrong died I hardly knew him. Cranidos is strong and also 2 levels higher than any of mine haha. He put Tort to 1 hp on his last attack pretty crazy.
I lost Crikey to a Shinx crit unfortunate didn't see what they could do really. Probably would have helped with the grass gym. Platinum gives you a lot of Pokemon early thought that's nice. I didn't catch Ponyta which I would have liked too, but I think Armstrong saved me a starter loss. So far so good I think.
>>46087904>>46087904RIP do you have mons in your box or are you done with that run?
>>46087882Most of Emeralds gyms are harder the champion is easier. You also have more boss fights with the Magma/Aqua teams. Maxie wiped me once with a Camerupt. Didn't have a water type haha.