>>54899850Design wise, I only really like the Grass/Water
Competitively, the Ice Yeti is dead in the water. No special means all it does is unstab-earthquake, something the likes of Snorlax and Tauros does way better.
The Grass/Water seal is interesting. Hydro/Blizzard/Razor Leaf isn't something that is really avaliable. It doesn't have status options or reliable recovery, so it's kinda just gets walled by the likes of Chansey and Alakazam, but it has something to hit everything relevant thats not Psychic or Normal. A Starmie, Zapdos, Exeggutor, Cloyster, Rhydon, and Slowbro check all rolled into one. However, it's unable to really accomplish anything after checking just one of those, as it'll get chipped down to far to really check a second. Fun concept, kind of a glue to handle a lot of 2nd tier OU pokemon, but likely not good enough to be an OU staple.
The Fighting/Psychic... thing is weird. It outspeeds and 2KOs every normal type in the game, which is not something thats really an option thus far. Problem is, it doesn't really win any of the fights outside of Chansey, with Snorlax and Taurous able to beat it after Submission recoil. It becomes a late game cleaner simply off it's high speed, but a lot of pokemon can do that, many no hard walled by the likes of Exeggutor or Alakazam. Truthfully, it becomes an alternative option for teams sick of having their late game cleaner be Starmie or Tauros, but not better than either, and I don't think it'd be a staple OU.
Overall, Grass/Water is both the most interesting and best looking one, so that's my choice.