>>11825664You flex your fingers, "Yeah, they're back to normal too! Holy crap Silver, I think you may have just cheated out this cursed item!"
The red-haired boy yawns, wiping his eyes, "Great. So now Gold has a magical paw that he can only use one more time, whoopty-do. Well, my throats back to normal, guess I'll put the bandages back on and hit the hay. I'm not even going to bother for that last wish, you're so much of a douche you're going to con me out of it anyways."
"Eh? Aren't you going to tell the nurses you feel better now?"
Silver scoffs, "And miss out on the free hospitality? No way. I have no where else to go, and aside from the jello, I must admit, this hellhole isn't that bad. It's better than sleeping out in the cold every night. I suppose I'll go ahead and milk this routine for as long as I can. How long do throats normally take to heal?"
"I don't know, I've never been attacked in the dead of night before."
Silver throws a pillow at you, "Whoa, what the hell!"
Silver shakes his head, "Don't get smart with me, Gold. That was for your own good."
You stand up, giving yourself a little stretch, "Well, I guess I better be going then."
Silver grabs his jello, "Take care, weakling."
"Shut up." you head to the door, but stop halfway.
So you can go back and give that sad little homeless boy a hug."Augh, gay. GAY."
"Get well."
"I am well."
"Normal-you isn't well either."
You quickly exit the door before another pillow can hit you.
Meanwhile, just outside, a janitor falls to his death from the roof of the hospital building. Silver barely catches it from his window, but dismisses it as some sort of bird.