>>18911470http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22v_6BsfpTE"It was both. I think. I don't remember."
The Lass beams with a bright smile, "Well, whatever the case may be, thank you for the story! It's sure to help me get through the rest of this day shift. My name's Anna by the way!~"
"Calem, nice to meet you!"
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, ALICE TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!~"
Suddenly, Alice pops out of a cardboard box next to Anna. Said box is full of a variety of children's toys and playthings, "Poppy, poppy, poppy! I 'thin I found'itt, I found what I waaaaant!~"
It's a box full of leftover donations that couldn't be donated to any orphanages because the Lasses had already donated /so/ much that they just didn't have any room for more. As of such, the leftovers now function as a sort-of "give a penny, take a penny" tray for customers.
Alice has a simple rubber ball in her hands, the end result of her valiant expedition dive into the box. It's nothing flashy or gimmicky or overly obtuse. Just a plain, mild, kinda bland rubber ball, "Can I 'ave this one, poppy?~"
A) "Uh, don't you think that's a little plain...? Wouldn't you want something with more pizzazz?"
B) "Really? That's it? Just a dumb little ball? What's so special about it?"
C) "Ehh, gee, are you sure? Rather underwhelming if you ask me."
D) "Does it turn into like, a Transformer or shoot things or something?"