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Just beat Pokemon Dreary, aaand... man, what a letdown. People told me the story was really good, and there was a ton of intrigue around everyone getting headaches and disappearing, and with the whole multiversal protagonist shit, and with the backstory and relationship between the three main villains. But you beat one of them (Neitzsche), and then you meet the second one (Dreary) for the first time at the grave of the third one (Aphrodite), who he killed long ago for "betraying him" in some form.
And right when you're reading the gravestone, he just fuckin' stabs you to death. Not with a Pokemon, just a normal-ass knife, even though all your Pokemon just got revived and ready for a final battle, leaving you a bloody skeleton on the floor, and the game just... ends. We never find out what Aphrodite did to betray Dreary, we never find out what Dreary's plan for Hoenn was, we barely get to meet or know Dreary at all before he kills us and the game ends. It genuinely feels like the ROMhacker just gave up right before the end, since so much just felt unresolved.