>>55639384You're welcome.
99% of my spoofing is Manhattan, it's a convenient timezone for my EU ass, can raid comfortably in the evening and the 14-17 events line up well too. And if that's not enough, I can take an account or two to Santa Monica, LA. It's a good tactic if you want to make use of a raid day on multiple accounts and don't want to sweat too hard.
In NYC the safest place to look for raids is around the default PGSharp spawn and it stretches around and to Central Park. But beyond the park (to the north of it) you will find empty lobbies.
Zaragoza is the EU equivalent of NYC spoofer heaven, it's the default spawn for iPogo, another spoofing app.
For Japan I don't have a recommendation sadly, my attempts to invite anons to Osaka during Hoenn Tour were successful but outside of a big event like this I wasn't able to find a spot that is consistently getting full raid lobbies. It probably exists but I don't know it and it's not really convenient for my own timezone and due to work hours.
Contrary to the popular myth, living in a big city does not mean that you can just step into a raid like in Manhattan. For example, in the capital of my country I never saw a busy lobby outside of GoFest.Oh, and enjoy your 5* shadow raids, regionals and rare postcards.
>>55639542As I said before, I only teleport before logging in or on the loading screen, and only once a day if it's a long distance (like East Coast to West Coast). It's probably overly cautious, but I have yet to see a warning so it works for me.