>>56844668I love this team the most, the issue is that it's mostly a late game team aside from Gatr, Onix (sorta, since you can't evolve it by yourself) and Heracross if you're patient enough, I'm not one for Ampharos, Nidoking is okay but it just doesn't feel the same as it was in the Kanto games for me, I love Noctowl but it really fucking sucks, Murkrow being locked to the safari via a really obscure area or to the Kanto postgame is really fucking stupid, Kadabra and Scyther occasionally make guest appearances on my team and I used Girafarig a few times and it's an incredibly fun Pokemon despite it's stats being pretty shit. I never bothered much with the Kanto postgame since grinding my ass off so that my team doesn't get raped by Lance typically kills my enjoyment and want to continue, especially considering I am one of those idiots who meddles in breeding, which makes the grinding even worse.