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Vast Poni Canyon was a bit of an ordeal, losing two trusted teammates to unfortunate crits. However, I have navigated the rest of the canyon without anymore losses and beat the Dragon trial with a full team.
Antony the Dedenne scored a crit Play Rough on the Jangmo-o.
Yulong the Goodra blasted the Hakamo-o with Dragon Pulse.
Aramastus the Crobat started the Totem fight with Toxic and then U-turned out to Barmton Keep the Palossand to stall for a turn against the Kommo-o and its buddy Noivern.
Gigatron the Metagross swaps in, takes a couple dragon-type attacks and a Drain Punch before smashing the Totem Kommo-o with a Z-powered Shattered Psyche.
Eirwen the Ninetales finishes the remaining Noivern with a single Ice Beam.
With Vast Poni Canyon behind me, it is time to face down Necrozma.