>>50840867besides honnen (in specials not with Ash) and a reference to Dawn and Piplup(with Ash) I don't recall anything about things outside of kalos. There are 2 things to note about why kalos is so isolated, the first is how yajima writes. He wrote xy as if it would end the series everything about xy was written with finality it ignored the past, discounted the future, and kept to itself in the present it was never meant to have anything after it. this hurts it in every way possible, The characters feel out of place in any other setting and have a completely different personality from how they were in xy Ash suffered the worst from this, in xy he was a static robot with little emotion of any kind even clemont and bonnie suffered from this a little while serena had little personality to start with so I guess she stayed true to her xy character in JN. The second is that UNIRONICLY he went against lore and info that was already previously established he "pissed off" someone somewhere he should not have and from the looks of it that made them fight him everywhere he went and after. I mean look at how the kalos league ended yajima was ready to let Ash win but the guys upstairs had other plans. By making Ash lose the kalos league they really humiliated yajima by making him look incompitant and further the theory that there was in-fighting a lot of the animators and writers left after the disaster that xy turned out to be leaving only the loyalist left. Then (not joking) right after, in SM and JN the new team started retconning everything about xy team power, ignoring past events and minor changes in SM then when JN gets here and they have the world travel theme they were able to get the excuses they needed to rid themselves of the bigger problems AG,alain team flare events and serenas crush are all gone.
it does not matter what you call it, hate, a different view of the series or revenge the new team has gone out of their way to retcon and remove xy and its events