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I remember playing on my game boy back when there were no lights on the screen. I would literally hold the game boy up to light to play it, I had no one to teach me how to play I learned entirely on my own. Everything I love about these games was in those fleeting hours as a child, having no backlight, half an idea what to do, and making my way to the champion for the 50th time because I lost every single time I tried. I had to be six or seven, and red and blue are pretty good with difficulty especially back then when it was new to me. The challenge made the game that much more enjoyable, so catching mewtwo after 200 ultra balls or finally finding Red Mt. Silver are gargantuan highlights and some of my fondest memories of my childhood simply because of the difficulty involved. Saying Pokemon is simple because it's a kids game is bullshit. List the games you played as a kid and tell me any of them are as piss easy as X and Y. It's shameful, because instead of making great memories these kids are force fed crap that panders to this crutch of "being a child". The same with kids shows nowadays compared to the classic Cartoon Network/nickelodeon. I feel bad for the little bastards.