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Taking a break from storyline scripting, I wanted to get started on my post-game's battle facilities as a change of pace.
So far I have a few ideas:
Three tiers of difficulties with different prizes:
Easy (You get to bring 6 pokemon)
Intermediate (You get to bring 3 pokemon)
Expert (Choose 1 pokemon, you dont get to bring friends)
With the facilities themselves being:
Battle dungeon
- battle wild pokemon upon wild pokemon, they never stop coming
- 1 pokemon on the first floor, 2 on the next, etc
- some are NFE, others are fully evolved depending on the floor
- you must see how far you can get
- cant capture or run away from said wild mons, no exp either
Battle tower:
- standard battle tower, singles or doubles (easy mode here is 6 pokemon, intermediate 4, expert 2)
- after 9 consecutive battles you get to battle a "Tower Head", there are 6 of these
- if you defeat them all, you unlock a tournament styled mode in a booth nearby
Battle School:
- no difficulties here, this facility is purely used for training
- level grinding
- ev training
- iv training (takes longer than ev training)
So far, these are all the facilities I've thought up.
What do you think?
Any suggestions?