>>41257803>The ninja theme isn't any more "forced" with falcomon than it is with greninja. they're both animals with occupations.You must be genuinely fucking trolling
>There's also no subtlety with greninja at all. the poseYou mean the standard crouching frog pose???
>The scarfWhat scarf? All I see is a really long tongue around its neck? You know, like how frogs have really long tongues?
>The shurikensWhere do you see shurikens? The scars on its thighs? I mean even when he TAKES the shurikens out with his POWERS, they're not even real shurikens, even that is just fucking water and not a BLATANT SHURIKEN ON MY BLATANT NINJA GARB.
>It even has the word "ninja" in its name (and yes, the same applies to its japanese name, which is a pun on the koga-ryu school of ninjitsu)You literally just answered your own problem here, even when it BLATANTLY says Ninja, its a fucking pun at least which at least SOMEWHAT makes it subtle and still creative apart from fucking BIRD MONSTER that has jack shit at all to do with Ninjas.