>>42064713>You are fucking retarded.The only retard I'm seeing here is you.
>You are part of the problem because even if you aknowledge the games flaws you dismiss all the critics as a minority when the point is that the criticism where always thereYou really honestly believe this stupidity don't you?
>But maybe the game still had enough content and interactivity to be enjoyed and thats why there where less negativity aroun them.Nope
>We can demand changes and standard for whatever reason whenever we wantYou see when you don't have standards, especially for 20 years, and then demand them. No one will take you serious and expecting to be taken serious especially when you have 2 prime examples that you are a hypocrite does not help your cause.
>you are fucking retarded to ignore that a large part of the community were children then who couldnt share their opinions as they can now as adults.If you hate the "muh child" argument why are you using it here? You are the one that's hurting growth more than anything by being this much of a hypocrite.
>This doesnt invalidate any reason to criticize the game because the same group of people who complained then simply grew larger with every game releases.It doesn't but you want to be either taken serious by that same group that replaced you or you don't. Make your choice because "we" the ones that have desired standards for this franchise currently don't break 3% margin.
You are the prime reason why this movement doesn't get any traction because no one likes hearing a baby throw a tantrum especially when that baby is part of that "muh current adult".
>>42064993>pokemon is too big now, why should I care,You keep telling yourself this.
I don't get my hopes up because the outcry grew from 1% to 3%. Never seen a movement trip over itself at every given opportunity and when given a hand they slap it away and go FUCK YOU I CAN STILL WIN. If this was your end goal and not seeing pokemon better itself congratulations.