for that gym leader cosplay thing. no smile here since bibi hates wearing skirts, but maybe tulip's trying to popularize furisode in paldea or something and sweet talked her into modeling one
>>55617277tesoro's already supposed to either be a straight up reincarnation or at least a distant descendant of that king of paldea who originally bought the treasures of ruin so no guess as to what his ancestor would be like
love for irony dictates bibi's ancestor is therefore a knight or pokemon wielder directly in his service who spins in her grave at the disrespect of her own descendant and or how low her liege has fallen
what comes to mind for alto is a woman from a family of renown musicians, a talented songstress with an enchanting voice.....who really really wants to be in some different profession like being a pokemon wielder or some kind of adventurer but sucks at it