Fun 2007 facts:
The newest games were Diamond and Pearl for the DS.
George W. Bush was on his last year of Presidency.
Legend of Zelda CD-I was being found for the first time and became viral.
Rickrolling was a common prank.
$1 back then is equal to 1.25$ today.
It had been a year since the PS3's release, and it still did not have any gaems.
4chan was smaller, it did not have boards such as /vp/, /mlp/, /lgbt/, [s4s], /his/ etc
Chris-Chan gaining notorioty for making massive edits to his Encyclopedia Dramatica page.
And here's the funnest fact:
It's been 13 years since 2007 and you are 13 years older since 2007.
Congratulations to you and to time's passage.