>>47664041I am a retarded faggot who hoped I could get rid of poor editing before someone responded but here is the re-edited post for context
>an iteration of the original adventure designs now gives (only) metalgreymon and weregarurumon and their new alternate megas large weapons instead of relying on physical abilities but it doesn't matter because they end up looking like a normal arm-swapped omnimon anywaysEvery series I love dies.
The current teams fail to understand the spark they captured. Omnimon was something people really liked but didn't obsess over because of the conditions leading to how it appeared and what it did when it appeared. Now anything from the Agumon and Gabumon lines can make an Ultra (a term they have used sometimes but won't double down on) like episode 3 of :, a stupid subtitle that should've been Re: or + or something people are willing to type. Digimon had been building up a fanbase until they took away partners in Gen 4, didn't gain too much traction in Gen 5, and then Xros Wars happened making them shill Omnimon worse than Charizard to recover only to make make them hate it more than Charizard. They just need a new cast going on an adventure in new areas with the simple evolution level system. Cyber Sleuth is what happens when a "brand grows up with the fanbase" where it has worse level curve than the memes about Johto (a worse story too) and an artstyle that doesn't belong. I want to go through lively islands of various terrain and resolve issues by making cyber dinosaurs fight darkness demon rulers not go through blue block hallway world and be a therapist for teenagers with family problems in a "mature setting".