Quoted By:
>missed out Machokes evolution, it’s called machide, it’s fighting fairy
>the 18 gyms is true, only 16 in each game, each game has 2 exclusives, you need the second set of badges to rematch the Pokemon league
>86 new Pokemon not including the 27 Galarian forms
>you unlock key items that work as hms used to, but there’s only 4 items in total
>there’s only about 14 gigantamax forms, charizard doesn’t get one
>legendary Pokemon can’t dynamax, the champions can
>mew, mewtwo and the game mascots are the only legendary that make the cut
>all the Pokemon wild areas are connected, the more badges you get the more areas you can go back to and catch the stronger Pokemon in those areas
I’ll answer a few questions if there’s any worth answering