>>28110093I feel you on the riachu, but we'll get there from hatching 5kms. I see an abra every other day when looking at the scanner in chicago, don't always bother for it. caught a shitty kadabra (200cp but 78%) thanks to scanner I may have to evolve for the dex but that can wait.
you'll catch a snorlax if you can find a working scanner, it'll take time or you may get lucky with an egg.
why don't you have a haunter? I've caught a few and a couple gengars, albeit shit ivs and CP but one has that move they nuked (sludge wave or sludge bomb)
I'm sitting on two 91.1% glooms I've evolved. enough candies for one. I think I know which I should evolve,
f.am got any input?