Quoted By:
I was literally paralyzed with fear.
"If you love your wife so much... if you think shes so hot. Why don't you just eat.. her.. out. ALL NICE AND TOASTY FOR YA!? I BET IT IS!!"
"Eyy now Lyaa... " My muffled voice barely noticeable through the burning paper. "I now yu gilled her."
"Uhh what was that?" She leaned in closer to me.
"I know you KILLED her you fucking demon." I spewed.
"Ooh.. OOOOH.. did I know.. ?" She reached for another Voltorb. "You want to join her? I bet you do."
This is it. I'm going to die. I had a better chance back when she was just stabbing me..
Flash back of Kris.. her beautiful face. Her smile. I wish I would've asked her out.. but I'm too much of a pussy to do anything.
I'm just a pile of filth lying here, half naked with a burning picture of my only love in the world in my mouth. About to get blown apart sky high thanks to a crazy mental patient who was holding a bag of ticking time bombs.. this is it.. i have nothing left. She won, and not even a Pokemon to back me up..
Oh wait a second..