>>21054132https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUtypA3kT6gThis may just be stating the obvious, but it seems the deeper the Miss Issippi goes, the darker and more brooding the swamp becomes. It truly is the epitome of spoopy shit, but you're not entirely ready to say it matches the spoopiness of that one day you spent with the Phantumps.
Never again.
NEVER. Again.
Duck and Hunt are frivolously scouting the surrounding area in search of anything suspicious that they can loudly bark and quack at. Though, nothing out of the ordinary seems to be tripping up their alarms, just the typical untamed Pokemon roaming and aimlessly taking part in the wild life.
"Hey," you ask, just out of curiosity, "you said you fought with the beast before, right? What was it like? Was he tough? Gigantic? Any mysterious shounen powers or abilities I should know about?"
"Mrmmmmm... Good ques'chin, bucko.." says Sporrest, his brocky gaze focused on his reflection in the water, "Mrmmmmm yep... I 'member that beast as clear as day, hulking figure, BULKY...but his arms... they hung low, son, - laaaaaaanky loooooooow-, he was all hunched over, a perpetuuaaaal hunchback.. all covered'inn gunk and schtufff...and then..."
>Sporrest brings up..A) How the fuck he even survived that fight.
B) The beast's strongest move.
C) The beast's special snowflake powers.
D) Its competitive viability when taken away from anime physics.