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Pasta'd this from another thread but it died and it's relevant here too:
Honestly this place's negativity can be overwhelming some days. I say that about most 4chan boards though; some more than others.
I hate that the Pokemon fandom (in general; not just /vp/) seems to have a Zelda Cycle of its own. Meaning that the newest games are heralded as the greatest ever for like a month then suddenly, liking the current gen becomes the least popular opinion to exist.
I remember in 5th gen when saying you liked the current games was utter heresy here and liking Sinnoh was seen as only slightly less cancerous. Then RSE were considered untouchable.
Then 6th gen came and now Gen 4 is remembered fondly. While XY are called the worst. I'm waiting for Gen 7 now so everyone can hate for a few years that and start circlejerking 5th gen.