>>40513979Hey guys, did you know that in terms of any human and pokemon breeding, Klinklang is the most compatible Pokemon for humans? Not only are they completely incapable of reproducing with a human, thus avoiding problematic offspring, they also have two faces, on which there are three penis-accommodating holes. This includes a large square for those of you with boxdicks. Few living creatures can take the sort of punishment a Klinklang can withstand, given it's literally made of metal. But do you know what else? It's easy to oil metal, and for Klinklang to continue turning at such rapid speeds, it must be able to secrete some sort of lubricant - perfect for keeping your balls from chafing when they slide repeatedly against polished chrome. Speaking of balls, Klingklang can also learn powerful electric moves like discharge, which when applied to human genitals, can stimulate them into uncontrollable and painful orgasms. Not only this, but access to vice grip, bind, and grind gears ensures they can easily trap a human and squeeze every drop of fluid from their bodies. No other Pokemon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, Klingklang will drag you back in with Gravity. Klinklang is literally built, as in it's actually manufactured. Ungodly defense stat+high Hp pool+typing+endless energy reserves when it spins means it can take cock more or less forever, in up to 3 different shapes (ovoid, circular, square)