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ITT: We discuss how will Youkai Watch affect the Pokémon series.
YW has been a huge success in Japan. And by huge I mean HUGE. It is purely played by kids, so it doesn't have the adult fan base pokemon has. While Pokémon is clearly not dead there, it's not the center of attention anymore.
Many of us are happy that Pokémon finally has competition again. This should make GameFreak try harder with Pokemon, right? Well, too bad YW has really simplistic gameplay, it's a shit influence.
I can see three options for GameFreak:
1) Try to fight YW for the kids market. Making the games simpler and easier
2) Specialize in their older market, something where YW can't win. More challenging story, emphasis in competitive, older main characters...
3) Stay the same and hope YW is a fade that will die soon and will not catch in the west.