Reposting from last thread:
Elephant acquisition survey results: this upcoming demo, at least, we will have a yellow/olive form of alpint for crossroads and it's adjacent areas.
I'm going to respond to a few comments:
>Alpint still has 1 form - Yellow leaf Forusk happens when evolving Alpint in a "harsh climate" route - ex. snow, desert, which causes its leaves to dry out>Just put alpint in a later forest and have it's evolutions color based on where it evolves or something else. i don't think it fits the crossroad town at all.We can't do this. When the regional differences were first voted on (they really shouldn't have been voted on in the first place, but they were), the option that won was "Both. Each one varies on location you catch it."
"It" being forusk. So really, strictly going by how that was worded, forusk HAS to be caught in the wild. The reason why I didn't just leave it at that was because that's a rather stupid idea and I don't think that was the intent of the survey. The survey where the regional differences were voted on was rushed out, and not a lot of thought was put into it, hence why we are having these issues now.
>Alpint evolves into Forusk and its appearance is relevant to where the Alpint was found. Come on stop being fucking retarded.>should have the third option that a green alpint will evolve into a yellow forusk if the alpint was caught in a 'yellow' area.This is a potential option, but I didn't think people would want this at all, since it really doesn't make much sense in my mind to have the color of the evo dependent on where the prevo was caught, when the prevo looks the same in both locations.
It'd free up a lot of options if we could just say that the first survey that decided the regional differences was rushed and we can bend on it's wording some. Would everybody be okay with that?