I started playing again for a bit today and beat Winona using Shinji who I taught Ice Beam and Keel who I taught Shock Wave and Flamethrower.
I also added an Absol and Lileep to the team and I know I haven't updated in forever but I've still been lurking hard, lI love reading everybody elses runs . Also beat Norman I while ago without updating but I honestly forgot what happened that fight for the most part I used howl a bunch of Keel and then strengthed his mons and abused truant but other than that I don't remember.
Hopefully I have time to start updating regularly again, okay thanks for reading love you bye.
>>35991482That team is some of my favorite and some of the strongest gen I pokes good shit
>>35989577I remember when you were doing your platinum run glad you're back. お帰りなさい
>>35987942>666BLOODxI wish Staraptors had gender variants without the edge hair
>>35986266>Game in Japanese I cannot read JapaneseMy Black and Black 2 copies are both Japanese I'll be in the same boat as you soon...
>>35981152>aqua fang>>35973174>Boxing brobat How could you not want a cute Crobat on your team