>>13235858okay a couple suggestions for changes:
Blue=non trainer npc
First npc says something about there being a lot of trainers on the route.
added trainer on the top side of that slope to sort of guard the item there
removed trainer below that
change the direction of one of the two trainers across form one another to force a double battle
added fisherman down the bottom, says something after battle like "If you ever want to use water pokemon like mine, you should try using this" [Simon obtained the OLD ROD]
other blue npc tells you about the farm nearby, a'la "do you like my poncho? it's made out of dreamdery wool, a couple nearby raises them with their daughter"
Big red dot will be either ducherado/opposite gender mc/sequoya/mangrove/evil team event
Longer transition between snow and grass
Sandy path leading to farm
do with it what you will
Moved the jump ledge near the end because it seemed silly where it was