>>13918876Thanks for your help. I think I can already say the way I thought I could detect Pokégenned Mons doesn't seem to work the way I thought it would. You can release the other mon if you like.
Someone here on WFG sent me a certain Pokémon a while ago. Pokéchecked, good stats, legal.
Today I ented the Join Avenue and talked to the NPCs, guiding them to shops and stuff. One of the NPCs name was ?????? and some Kanji at the end who asked me if I'm taking good care of the Pokémon he sent me over the GTS; wich is weird, because I havn't used the GTS for trading since Coiling was a thing back then.
I pokégenned a perfectly legal Pokémon, downloaded it from pokegts and immediately saw a similar NPC in my Join Avenue. It was a Younger as well and his name was ???????, without Kanji.
That's why I blurred the Kanji in the pic since it may give away some information and I don't want to point the person out who gave me the mon.It doesn't seem to happen now, though.